现代商业银行的典型特征是所有权与经营权的分离。对此 ,委托代理理论提供了一个较好的理论视角与分析思路。对于中国国有商业银行来说 ,委托代理问题面临着目标函数和行为的异化 ,因此有必要基于委托代理理论进行制度的再选择 ,以确保国有商业银行价值目标的实现。
The typical characteristic of modern commercial bank is the separation of ownership and management. To state owned commercial bank of China, the entrustment of agent has been confronted with the problem of target function heterization and behavioral heterization. Therefore, it is necessary to decide which system can be used to realize the concept of value of state owned commercial bank.
South China Financial Research