消费信贷凭借着巨大发展空间和较低的贷款不良率业以成为各家商业银行竞争角逐最为激烈、成长速度最快的信贷业务。如何在众多的竞争者中胜出 ,取得不菲的市场份额和商业利润成为商业银行面临的首要任务。在控制消费信贷风险的前提下 ,制定正确的展业策略和有效措施就成为商业银行在优质信贷市场扩大市场份额 ,争取利润最大化的有力措施。
Known for its good prospect and relatively lower bad loan rate, consumer's credit has been rapidly expanding, which has grown into one of the most competitive credit lines. The most important task of commercial bank of China is how to hold the share of market and how to get more profits among a large number of competitors. Risk control is the prerequisite to the development of consumer's credit. Working out correct tactics and taking effective measures are the two ways to expand market and to maximize profits.
South China Financial Research