无权处分实质上是物权形式主义下的概念 ,是指没有处分权的人擅自处分财产的行为。针对《合同法》第 5 1条、第132条提出质疑并作出合理的体系化解释 ,认为出卖没有处分权的物的合同有效 ,第 132条也只是倡导性的规定。相对独立的处分行为则由于出卖人的无权处分而不成立或者无效。无权处分中的善意受让人可以基于物权公信原则得到保护 。
This paper researches the concept of unauthorized disposition from the theory of juristic act of real right and mode of real right changing. It considers that unauthorized disposition is the concept under the real right formalism, and it is the act who dont have the disposition right disposes the possession. It also advances oppugn to 51 item and 132 item of contract law and gives a reasonable systematism explanation. The paper considers that the contract selling unauthorized goods is valid, and 132 item is only advocating regulation. In unauthorized disposition, the bond fide third party can be protected basing real right public trust principle. Real right public-trust and relative right corrective presume in fact is the system which is prior to bona fide gaining system.
Journal of Chongqing University(Social Science Edition)
juristic act of real right
mode of real right changing
unauthorized disposition