
PMN-PT陶瓷中的氧缺位及其消除 被引量:1

Oxygen Vacancies in PMN-PT Ceramics and Their Elimination
摘要 研究了组成中Pb含量的变化对组成为Pbx(Mg1/3Nb2/3)0.65Ti0.35O3的铌镁酸铅-钛酸铅(PMN-PT)陶瓷压电性能的影响,发现化学计量比组成(x=1)的Pbx(Mg1/3Nb2/3)0.65Ti0.35O3陶瓷经常出现压电性能的大幅度退化现象,而A位适量缺Pb能稳定地获得高性能的Pbx(Mg1/3Nb2/3)0.65Ti0.35O3陶瓷。XPS元素价态分析的结果表明,化学计量比的Pbx(Mg1/3Nb2/3)0.65Ti0.35O3陶瓷中含有较多的氧缺位,氧缺位的产生源于MgNb2O6(MN)合成过程中的气氛差异,A位适量缺Pb能有效地消除这种氧缺位而稳定地获得正常的压电性能,其机理被认为是氧缺位与铅缺位的复合。 The influence of lead concentration in Pbx(Mg1/3Nb2/3)0.65Ti0.35O3 ceramics ( PMN-PT ceramics) on its piezoelectric properties was investigated. Deteriorated piezoelectric properties were usually found in stoichiometric PMN-PT ceramics, while good piezoelectric properties can be obtained from PMN-PT ceramics with appropriate lead deficiency. XPS results showed that there was large amount of oxygen vacancies in stiochiometric PMN-PT ceramics, which was resulted from the reducing ambience at the bottom of the crucible during synthesis. These oxygen vacancies can be eliminated by preparing PMN-PT ceramics with lead vacancies, its mechanism is considered the annihilation between oxygen vacancies and lead vacancies.
出处 《电子元件与材料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第4期15-17,共3页 Electronic Components And Materials
关键词 化学计量比 缺位 X光光电子能谱 铌镁酸铅-钛酸铅陶瓷 stoichiometric ratio vacancies XPS PMN-PT
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