倭仁在晚清时期承宋明理学之余绪系统地构结的理学思想 ,以修身为本 ,以齐家、治国、平天下为目的 ,将学道、治道融通为一 ,对当时的学政两界均产生了一定影响。其理学思想在本质上仍未脱离传统的道德理想主义 ,在当时道德规范已经严重失范的背景下 ,倭仁的思想尽管有些不合时宜 ,但对于拯救世风 。
Formed systematically in the late Qing as he carried forward the lingering remnants of Song and Ming Lixue, Wo Ren's thought, which took the cultivation of moral character as the basis, the management of household and state affairs as the aim, merged education and politics into one which exerted a certain influence on the circles of both education and politics. His Lixue thought still hasn't broken away from the traditional morality idealism. When moral standard background has been distorted seriously, Wo Ren's thought still had its positive significance in saving the public morals though it was not appropriate to the occasion.
Journal of Fujian Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition