倒班通常是指一种工时制度 ,即通过轮换班来延长日常8小时以外的生产时间 ,特别是夜班。研究表明 ,倒班与心血管疾病有联系 ,这种联系可假设为因生活不规律所致的负担作用所致 ,也可能是与健康有关的一些行为 ,如不良饮食习惯及吸烟等。倒班工人血清甘油三酯水平明显增高。多元回归分析表明 ,在年龄、吸烟、BMI以及其他一些变量得到控制的情况下 ,倒班仍然与甘油三酯水平有关 ,这表明倒班是与冠心病的一些危险因素有关。许多研究提示 ,倒班与CVD有关 ,但有些研究由于研究方法学存在问题而难以解释。正确处理混杂因素 ,将是评价倒班的流行病学研究的重要标准。
The term 'shift work' is usually refers to a work hour system in which a relay of employees extends the period of production beyond the convention daytime third of the 24 h cycle, especially the night shift. Some of the studies suggest a relation between CVD and shift work. Such a connection could be hypothesized to occur due to the load impose by irregular life and equally well be due to health related behavior such as eating, smoking, etc. Shift worker had significantly high levels of serum triglycerides. Multiple regressionanalysis demonstrated that shift work was significantly related to serum triglyceride levels, also when age, smoking , BMI and othervariables were controlled for. It was suggest that shift work is associated with several risk factors for coronary artery disease. A number of studies suggested the association between shift work and CVD, but many studies suffers from methodological flaws whichrender them difficult to interpret. The success in handling confounding factors will be a major criterion in the evaluation of the existing epidemiologic studies of shift work.
Occupational Health and Emergency Rescue
Occupational medicine, Epidemiology, Shift work, C V disease