制定切实、有效的医院信息及信息资源管理的标准分类与代码 ,不仅可以将信息获取、传递、存储、分析、利用等不同活动阶段有效地衔接在一起 ,而且可以有效地开发、利用信息资源 ,扩大信息资源的共享范围。本文遵循信息分类原则与编码方法 ,对医院信息采用线分类法进行分类 ,分类代码采用数字形式编写 ,构成医院信息分类与代码体系 ,初步规范、统一了医院纷繁复杂的各类信息 。
To formulate a practical and efficient classification and coding system of hospital information so as not only to combine the process of data acquiring, transformation, storing and analyzing in a whole set, but also to explore the information in an effective way and to make data be shared in a larger scope. Hospital information was grouped with method of liner classification and coded with numerals. The disorderly hospital information was integrated and standardized in a unite system abiding by certain principles and methods, providing a foundation to advance the management of hospital information.
Chinese Journal of Hospital Statistics
军队医药卫生"十五"重点课题 (课题号 :0 1G0 0 6 -1 )