针对某型号机载光电吊舱的总体性能技术指标 ,研制了一种多传感器实时图像跟踪处理系统 ,该系统在硬件上以高速数字信号处理器 (DSP)、大规模复杂可编程逻辑器件 (CPLD)及微处理器为核心 ,采用模块化流水线处理结构 ,实现目标图像的实时跟踪。在系统软件上提出一种高效的快速相关算法 ,建立相关跟踪置信度评估、模板自适应刷新、相似目标辩识、目标丢失判断和再捕获等准则 ,有效地提高目标跟踪的稳定性和鲁棒性。该系统进行了大量复杂地面背景条件下的目标跟踪试验 ,取得了满意的结果。
Based on the performance requirements of a photo electricity pod, a multi sensor real time image tracking system is presented. This system consists of digital signals processor(DSP) complex programmed logic device(CPLD) and micorprocessor, and uses pipeline architecture hardware to implement real time image tracking. A better performance and fast image correlation tracking algorithm was developed. New rule on tracking creditability evaluation, adaptive template change, similar object recognition, lost object acquisition were establish. The experimental results shows that the stability and robustness of this correlation tracking algorithm in the condition of complicated background are improved.
Infrared Technology