
多智能体系统的Web动态协调模型研究 被引量:3

Study on the Web Dynamic Collaboration Model Based on the MAS
摘要 通过对相关协调模型和机制的研究 ,适应现实社会中开放和动态的特性 ,从软件设计的角度提出了一种Web动态分布式协调模型DCM。该模型利用面向对象的思想 ,通过建立一个层次状组协调结构 ,使系统具有动态扩展性 ,使控制权分散化 ,并且通过各智能体 (agent)的通信来使协调智能体 (collaborationagent)具有自学习和调节的能力 ,使各智能体的信念、愿望和意图达到平衡 。 The completion of the complicated task was more likely to depend on the collaboration of resource and information which were processed by parters. The development of Distributed Artificial Intelligence(DAI) and Multi Agents(MAS) provided the basic theory and methods for using computer to dissolve the problems. According to the researching on some relative collaboration model and mechanisms, this paper presented a Web dynamic collaboration model (DCM) viewing on the software design which could adapt to the dynamic property in the realistic society. Using the thought of Oriented Objection (OO), the DCM made the system dynamic and control decentralized by constructing a layer collaboration structure and also made the Believes, Desires and Intentions of gents balance. So the distributed collaboration agents either on the logic or on the physics could dissolve the problem collaboratively.
出处 《高技术通讯》 EI CAS CSCD 2002年第6期10-15,共6页 Chinese High Technology Letters
基金 国家自然科学基金 ( 6 99310 10 )资助项目
关键词 多智能体系统 动态协调模型 网络技术 协调智能体 分布式处理 分布式人工智能 Multi Agent system, Dynamic collaboration model, Collaboration agent, Distributed processing
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