《送冰的人来了》是 2 0世纪美国伟大的戏剧家奥尼尔后期的一部代表作 ,充分表现了作家关注生存于资本主义社会底层人们的不幸命运 ,挖掘资本主义的当代病的根源 ,积极探寻生命的意义的现实主义精神。但剧本在主题思想和艺术手法上又是对传统现实主义的大胆突破 ,这主要表现在 :(1)人物生存环境描写的意向化 ;(2 )类型化人物性格的交响组合 ;(3)在线性悬念的层层解谜中演绎生存哲理。
The Iceman Cometh is one of the late masterpieces written by the greatest 20th century American dramatist Eugene O'Neill. It fully expresses the playwright's concern for the miserable life of the lower classes and conveys the realistic spirit to 'dig at the roots of the sickness of today' and 'find a meaning for life in'. However, the play transcends the traditional realism on theme and artistic techniques in three aspects: (1) intensive description of characters' living conditions; (2) symphonic composition of typical characters; and (3) expression of life philosophy in solving linear suspense. These expressionist characteristics can be used for the modern Chinese creative production of drama.
Journal of Guizhou University(Social Sciences)