在分析了传统建模方法缺陷的基础上 ,提出了模块化建模方法的基本概念 ,并分析了模块化建模方法的特点 ,从模块划分、模块模型的建立、建模工具选择及建模时的因果关系几个方面阐述了模块化建模方法的运用 ,同时指出了模块划分中的关键问题及解决方法 ,并从模型验证的角度回答了可靠性及测试和仿真结果正确性如何检验等问题。最后以车辆传动系统建模为例 ,说明了模块化建模方法的应用。
The modular modelling method is proposed based on the analysis for the limitation of the tradational modelling methods in this paper. The using of the new method is introduced, including the defining and building of modulars, the choice of modelling tools and the causality issues. The principles of the system disassembling, as well as the key points in the process, are also noted .In addition, the ways of the model validation are discussed in this paper, explaining how to realize the reliability and to warrant the simulation results. At last, the application of this method in the powertrain of vehicle is showed as an example.
Computer Simulation