目的 :观察三参滋胃饮对慢性萎缩性胃炎大鼠胃粘膜病理和细胞动力学的影响。方法 :采用综合造模法。将大鼠随机分为 5组 :正常组、三参滋胃饮小剂量治疗组、三参滋胃饮大剂量治疗组、自然恢复组、维酶素治疗组。给药 5 0天后留取胃粘膜组织块 ,HE染色观察粘膜组织病理变化 ,流式细胞仪观察粘膜组织细胞动力学变化。结果 :三参滋胃饮大小剂量组胃粘膜病变基本恢复与正常组无显著差异 ,自然恢复组胃粘膜病变无恢复与正常组差异显著。三参滋胃饮大小剂量组 G0 /1 期细胞比例明显高于自然恢复组 ,与正常组无显著差异 ;S期和 G2 /M期细胞比率明显低于自然恢复组 ,与正常组无显著差异 ;细胞增殖指数 ( PI)低于自然恢复组 ,与正常组无显著差异。结论 :三参滋胃饮对慢性萎缩性胃炎大鼠的胃粘膜有明显的修复作用 。
Objective: It is to observe the effect of Sanshenziweiyin (SShZWY) on gastric mucosa pathology and cell-dynamics of rats with chronic atrophic gastritis (CAG). Methods: CAG model was made with complex method. The rats were randomly divided into five groups (normal group, small-dose SShZWY group, large-dose SShZWY group, natural recovery group and Weimeisu group). After treating fifty days, the gastric mucosa of the rats was taken to observe the pathology change of mucosa tissue with HE dye and the cell-dynamics change of mucosa tissue with FACS. Result: The illness of gastric mucosa in two SShZWY groups was basic recovery and had no different compared with that in normal group, but that in natural recovery group was not recovery and had significant different compared with that in normal group. The proportion of G 0/1 cells in two SShZWY groups was higher than that in natural recovery group, and had no different compared with that in normal group. The proportion of S and G 2/M cells in two SShZWY groups was lower than that in natural recovery group, and had no different compared with that in normal group. Conclusion: SShZWY has distinct repair-function of the gastric mucosa of CAG rats, and has distinct restraint-function of the active proliferation of the gastric mucosa.
Modern Journal of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine