低温储粮综合技术是将太阳热反射涂料的应用技术 ,仓内环流调节粮堆温度技术及提高仓房气密性技术集为一体的综合储粮技术。在高大平房仓气密性达到一定要求后 ,用太阳热反射涂料对仓顶进行表面处理 ,当夏季气温最高时试验仓顶表面温度比对照仓低2 5℃ ,大大减少了仓外太阳辐射热对仓房的热能传递 ,改善了仓内的储粮环境 ,基本实现了准低温储粮。利用环流熏蒸装置对高大平房仓内的储粮分阶段进行环流 ,3天内 ,定时环流 36小时 ,试验仓仓温下降了 4 5℃ ,上层粮温平均下降了 0 9℃ ,仓底部的粮食水分基本无变化。此项试验证明 ,环流是平衡粮堆内部的温度即利用粮堆内部的自然冷源降低高温区粮温的有效技术途径。
A comprehensive technology which used the reflecting paint of sun-heat and recirculation and sealing techniques together to lower stored grain temperatuse was introduced. When the gastightness of the tested warehouse fulfiled the right requirements,The reflecting paint of sun-heat was painted the surface of the roof of the tested warehouse.At the highest temperature in summer,the temperature of the tested one was 25℃ lower than the control.It showed that the paint could reduce the heat of the sun reflecting and the environments of the warehouse was improved.The grain can be stored at quasi-low temperature. The recirculation fumigation equipment was used for grain recirculation in large warehouse.The recirculation was carried out by steps,after 36 hours recirulation withing three days,the temperature dropped for 4.5℃,the upper grain temperature dropped for 0.9℃ while the grain moisture content had no change.It showed that recirculation was an efficiently way to balance the temperature of grain bulk in warehouse.
Grain Storage
low temperature,reflecting paint of sun-heat,recirculation,gastightness,grain storage