运用系统辩证理论探讨了“普世伦理”的基本理论特征 ,指出“普世伦理”具有整体性特征、差异协同特征、开放性特征和系统优化的特征。提出系统辩证理论为“普世伦理”的构建提供了科学的理论支持 ,可较好地解决“普世伦理”
Applying the systematic and dialectic theory to the study of the basic theoretical characteristics of the universal ethics,the author considered that the universal ethics have the characteristic of integrity,the characteristic of discrepancy and coordination,the characteristic of openness as well as the characteristic of optimization of system.It was pointed out that the systematic and dialectic theory provides theoretical support for the establishment of the universal ethics and could resolve the theoretical and practical problems better in the establishment of the universal ethics.
Journal of Systemic Dialectics