加强和改进党的作风建设 ,核心是把代表最广大人民群众利益作为出发点和归宿。“坚持尊重社会发展规律与尊重人民历史主体地位的一致性 ,坚持为崇高理想奋斗与为最广大人民谋利益的一致性 ,坚持完成党的各项工作与实现人民利益的一致性”揭示了我们党始终代表广大群众的根本利益 ,蕴含了人民群众根本利益的深刻内涵 。
It has been proved that the key to Party construction at modern times is to represent the basic interests of the people. The paper argues that efforts should be made to learn the rules governing social development and to promote interests for the people while sticking to the Party's basic principles and carrying out its missions.
Journal of Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics(Social Sciences)