
链脲霉素诱导糖尿病大鼠的早期视觉电生理改变 被引量:17

Electrophysiological changes of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats in early stage
摘要 目的 观察糖尿病大鼠病程早期的视网膜电图变化 .方法 按照国际临床视觉电生理学会的标准化方案 ,采用 REPIport系统和银 -氯化银角膜电极以及不锈钢针状电极对链脲霉素诱导的糖尿病大鼠模型进行 2 wk的暗适应视网膜电图 (scot- ERG)、振荡电位 (OPs)、明适应视网膜电图(phot- ERG)和 30 Hz闪烁反应记录 (30 Hz flicker) .结果 大鼠 scot- ERG的 a波和 b波和 OPs的 O2 波的潜伏期 ,在 1wk时 [a波 (2 7.2± 1.9) ms,b波 (72± 6 ) ms,O2 波 (38± 4 )ms],与未打药时相比 [a波 (2 4 .1± 1.2 ) ms,b波 (6 4 .6±2 .9) m s,O2 波 (34.1± 1.6 ) ms],显著延长 ,2 wk时潜伏期继续增加 [a波 (2 8.4± 1.9) ms,b波 (76± 10 ) ms,O2 波 (41± 6 ) ms],幅值一直没有显著改变 .结论 视觉电生理学检查特别是 scot- ERG和 AIM To observe early electophysiological changes in STZ induced diabetic rats. METHODS According to International Society for Clinical Visual Electrophysiology's standard program, we recorded the scotopic electroretino graph (scot ERG), oscillatory potentials (OPs), photopic electroretinograph (phot ERG) and 30 Hz flicker response in diabetic rats for 2 weeks, by using REPIport system, Ag AgCl corneal contact electrode and stainless steel needle electrode. RESULTS At 1 week after the onset of diabetes, the implicit time of dark adapted ERG's a and b waves and oscillatory potentials' O 2 wave in rats was delayed significantly and continued to delay with the duration of the disease. CONCLUSION Electrophysiology, especially the scot ERG and OPs is a reliable method for detecting out incipient diabetic retinopathy.
出处 《第四军医大学学报》 北大核心 2002年第11期990-993,共4页 Journal of the Fourth Military Medical University
关键词 链脲霉素 糖尿病 早期视觉电生理 糖尿病视网膜病 视网膜电描记术 diabetic retinopathy electroretinography streptozotocin rats
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