汉代政府自张骞“凿空”之后下力保障中外交通安全和沿途物质供应 ,出现了“胡商贩客 ,日款于塞下”的开放盛况。汉代开放为古代中国培育出丝绸消费的国际时尚和国际市场 ,进一步促进了中国的丝绸生产和耕织体系的稳定 ,耕织结构的稳定又促进了丝路贸易的兴盛和其它产品的生产。丝绸贸易使中国在由长安到西域的丝路沿线出现了一批商业性城市。汉代开放 ,使中国人了解世界、走向世界 ,也使世界了解中国、接纳中国。由于丝绸之路的形成 ,从太平洋到大西洋的世界经济纽带出现了 ,整个世界因此由分散逐渐走向一体。
Since Zhangqian found the route to the west region, the Han government kept providing room and board and security for businessman and travelers along the route, So the open to the world occurred in the Han dynasty and the silk trade developed. The silk trade fostered the silk-consumed fashion in Europe and improved the economic of the ancient china. The open to the world made the ancient Chinese understand the world. The silk-road led the whole world from separation to integration.
Journal of Huanggang Normal University