Ten susceptible X resistant and resistant X resistant crosses were made among eight varieties, of which seven were previously identified as resistant to one to four SMV strains, in order to investigate the inheritance of resistance to the four strains (Sa, Sc, Ss, and Sh) and the linkage relationship among the resistant genes. Seeds from F2 individual plants were randomly divided and planted in two separated nurseries, in which the seedlings were inoculated with two different strains. The genotype of each F?plant was detected from the reaction of its F3 progenies to the two strains. The results showed that the resistance to each of the four strains was conditioned by a dominant gene which was labelled here with Ra, Rc, Rs, and Rh, respecti-vely. All the four loci appeared to be in a same linkage group with the order of Rs-Rh-Ra-Ro. The recombination value between R, and R. was estimated to be 25.4±7.7%, and those between R, and Rh, R, and Rk, Ra and Rg, and Rc and Rg to be 27.3±5.4%, 23.5 ±5.2%, 41.1±8.5%, and 46.5±7.5%, respectively. The genes resistance to S. in Kwa-nggyo and '7222' were determined at the same locus, so were the resistant genes for Se. In addition, this linkage group seemed to be not related with the first and eighth linkage group.
Soybean, Strains of SMV, Inheritance of resistance, Linkage