A series of deletions were made at upstream region of SUC2 gene wkh the direction from about - 900bp to the initiation codon. The DNA fragments, which contain SUC2 gene and its deleted upstream region, were inserted into multicopy plasmid. After transforming resulted plasmid into SUC strain, the invertase activities produced by the transformants were determined.Under glucose repressing condition, the glycosylated invertase produced by transformants with deletion from -636bp to - 179bp of SUC2 gene were gradually increased. The transformants with deletion down to - 223bp and - 179bp could produce about 100 times higher glycosylated invertase activity as compared to wild type.Under glucose derepressing condition, the glycosylated invertase produced by transform-ants with deletion from - 395bp to - 179bp of SUC2 gene were only slightly more than that produced under glucose repressing condition.Under either glucose repressing or derepressing condition, the transformants with dele-tionat -89bp and -41bp produced only a little of glycosylated invertase, while they produced remarkably higher nonglycosylated inverta-se activity.
Expression of SUC2 gene, Upstream region, Deletion mutant