“定向化设班” ,指高校成人教育中 ,学校对特定单位团体专门设班进行教学和管理。它能展现普通高校的长处和优点 ,开拓生源 ;使教学从被动到主动———有的放矢 ,兼顾工学 ,活跃第二课堂 ;能提高管理效能———加强师生沟通 ,丰富考勤管理手段 ,培植办学资源 ;能显效提高单位部门职员的学历水平和综合素质 ,把教育培训纳入日常的管理工作之中 ,将管理延伸到八小时以外。学校要立足需求 ,灵活操作 ;单位的观念及配套政策是学习成效、价值能否体现的关键。
Running special classes'refers to running courses for some specific units in regular higher institutions.It has the following advantages:a .to expand enrollment of students and benefit staff students with their work and study;b.to improve management efficiency and students will have more opportunities of communication;c.to upgrade education level and comprehensive quality of staff students,to combine education training with daily management of students after work.To achieve the above goals schools should take flexible measures to meet the demands of staff students and leaders of units should hold positive attitudes and support their staff's participation of classes.
Journal of Guangdong Polytechnical Normal University