研究设计了一个生物接触反应器 ,以不锈钢丝为载体用白腐菌挂膜。在反应温度为32℃、水力停留时间为 1 2h、溶氧为 4~ 6mg/L、pH值为 4~ 5条件下 ,可使Na2 SO3法草浆废液的COD去除 70 .7% ,BOD去除 89.5 % ,木素去除 5 1 .9%。再经絮凝处理 ,出水可达GWPB2 -1
A submerged bio-film reactor with white rot fungi was designed, stainless steel mesh was used as carrier for fungi settling. Major factors as temperature, HRT, dissolved oxygen levels as well as pH for the bio-reactor were optimized. The result shown that after 12 hours treatment at pH of 4~5, temperature of 32℃ and with the dissolved oxygen level of 4~6 mg/L. This type of bio-reactor had higher removal efficiency for treatment of waste water from wheat-straw sulfite pulping, for instance, providing removals as 70.7% for COD, 89.5% for BOD and 51.9% lignin from inlet waste water. One stage of physic-chemical treatment would be required for the further treatment of outlet water from this bio-reactor to meet the requirement of the National Standard (GWPB2-1999) for effluent discharge.
Paper Chemicals
欧盟第四框架计划项目ERBIC18CT980 2 85 (1999年~ 2 0 0 2年 )研究内容