中国果蔬饮料业与整个饮料业几乎是同时发展 ,但发展缓慢 ,一直处于对市场的不断摸索阶段。经过近二十年的曲折发展 ,开始成熟。在苹果、橙、桃、杏、山楂、芒果、菠萝、西番莲、胡萝卜、黑加仑、草莓、树莓等果蔬饮料的加工上形成了一定的基础或优势 ,制定了部分产品检测标准。 2 0 0 1年全国果蔬饮料产量为 14 6万吨 ,比上年增长了 49 87% ,成为增幅最大的饮料产品。 2 0 0 2年也呈现了良好的增长态势。加强水果品质改良、加强对国内果蔬饮料消费市场的开发、注意对特有资源的加工、全方位提高质量管理 ,进一步提高出口产品质量、拓宽市场 。
In China, the fruit and vegetable juice beverage industry has developed from almost the same start as the beverage industry, but at a relatively slow pace and in a manner of continuous exploration. Twenty years of hard development has helped it grow up. A certain foundation has been laid and some advantages established in the production of some fruit and vegetable juice beverages (apple, orange, peach, apricot, haw, mango, pineapple, passionflower, carrot, black currant, strawberry, raspberry, etc.), and examination standards have been worked out for some products. In 2001, as the fastest increasing beverage group, the output of fruit and vegetable juice beverages in China reached 1.46 million tons, which was 1.4987 times that in the previous year. The exciting trend goes on this year. The further improvement in the quality of fruit and vegetables, the continuous development of the domestic fruit and vegetable juice beverages market, the processing of special fruit and vegetables, the overall enhancement of quality control, the further improvement in the quality of products for export and the extension of foreign market are what we try to realize in the future.
Beverage Industry
fruit and vegetable juice beverages
situation of production
prospects of market