义乌出资两亿元买下了东阳 4999.9× 1 0 4 m3水资源的永久使用权。中国首宗水权交易 ,引发了人们对水资源利用市场化的思考。用经济学模型对水资源指令配置模式和市场配置模式进行比较 ,认为市场配置水资源更有效率。水资源市场建立及运行 ,关键在于明确的水资源产权与合理的水价体系。分析了水权、水价问题后 。
Yiwu has bought the right of use of 49 999 thousands m 3 water resources in Dongyang It is the first water rights transaction in China And it educes people's thought about general adoption of market principle when utilizing water resources Firstly, this paper comparing instruction deploy mode with market deploy mode by economic model, with the conclusion that the market deploy mode is more effective The author considering that definite property rights of water resources and rational water rate system are essential when establishing water resources market So this paper analyzing the two points, and put forwards some suggestions
Yunnan Geographic Environment Research