为提高砂矿勘查的施工效果 ,将取样内管立在套管钻头的内台肩上 ,冲击钻进 1个回次后 ,将内管提升至地表采集样品。套管及内管分别采用Φ 15 2和 12 7mm的地质钢管。钻头用 35CrM钢锻造 ,内径大于 110mm。吊锤重量 30 0kg。一般孔内故障用抽筒、吊锤和劈刀即可排除。采集的样品基本保持原生结构。只要严格按照规程施工 。
To increase placer exploration effects, taking the inner part of sampling inside pipe stand up the outer part of the bit which join together with outside pipe.After hammering about a round, draw the inside pipe out and sampling. Outside and inside pipes use the Φ 152 and 127 mm of geological steel pipe.The bit of the drill is forged by 35 CrM stell,the inside diameter is more than 110 mm.The hammer is about 300 kg.Ordinary troubles of the hole is removed by drawing tube or hammer and spliting shovel.The sample can show the layer just as underground.The idexes of the hole can reach to the geological goal if is operated under the rule strictly.
Gold Geology