许地山“五四”时期的散文集《空山灵雨》充满了佛学色彩。它体现在“人生即苦”的价值判断 ,人生诸苦包括离乱苦、怨憎苦、情之压抑苦、求不得苦、爱别离苦、生之旅的疲惫苦等 ,若想走出人生苦难 ,最便捷的道路当属宗教救赎 ,即要人们宽容、忍耐、自强、奋斗 ,重视自我的精神修养 ,建构新的自主人格 ,在参禅悟道中实现自我的精神超越和解脱。这种社会理想和人生理想的追求 ,使佛学禅理与艺术追求实现了契合统一 ,明心见性 ,表现出作者独特的人格魅力 ,睿智思辩的思维方式与比喻、象征、暗示等艺术手法的结合 ,创造出优美生动、意味深长的意境、意象和意念 ,最终形成作品玄想空灵的审美趣味。
The collection of proses'The Holy Rain in the Neant Mountain' of Xu Dishan in the period of May the 4th is full of Buddhist flavour.It is reflected in the judgement on value of 'Life is sufferings' There are all kinds of sufferings in life,such as hatred,chaos caused by war,passion contraining,saparating from families,being exhausted in life,and that you can't get all that you wish for.If you want to get rid of these sufferings,the shortcut is religious rescue and atonement.It means that people should be tolerant,be patient,make unremitting efforts to improve themselves,pay attention to their spiritual accomplishment and act on their own to build new characters so that they can surpass and free themselves in spirit in joining contemplation and understanding sutra.The pursuit of social and lfie ideal makes.Buddhism agree with and unify with art.The author presents his unique charm in character by making known his soul and nature.He creates beautiful,vivid and significant artistic conception,image,idea by combining his wise,farsighted,dialectical mode of thinking with artistic means such as metaphor,symbol,bint.As a result of that,mysterious and holy tastes in appreciation of the beautiful are formed in his works.
Life is sufferings
religious rescue and atonement
humanistic ideal
everything is neant
mysterious thought and holy spirit