目前我国不少国有企业面临着“不搞技改等死 ,搞技改找死”的两难选择 ,其根本原因是 ,国有企业技术创新和制度创新路径、速度和水平不一致 ,形成非良性互动关系和非良性循环。要使我国国有企业跳出这个双重陷阱 ,就必须再造其创新机制 。
Many state owned enterprises of our country face the awkward choice of 'to make no technological transformation is to wait for death and to make the technological transformation is to court death' at present. The main reason is that the technological innovation of state owned enterprises is inconsistent with the system innovation route, speed and level, forming the non benign interdynamic relation and non benign cycle . To make the state owned enterprise of our country jump out this dilemma, we must reconstruct an innovation mechanism in state owed enterprises.
Journal of Southwest University for Nationalities(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
20 0 0年度"高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金"资助项目的阶段性成果 批准文号教技发中心【2 0 0 0年】85号 (2 0 0 0 0 6 10 2 9)