
LTP的研究进展(Ⅰ)(英文) 被引量:2

Recent advances in the study of long term potentiation(Part Ⅰ)
摘要 LTP(长时程动作电位增强,或称长时程增强)是目前神经科学热点课题。各方面研究支持LTP与学习及记忆过程相关。基于其发生机制,LTP可分为NMDA受体依赖性和Mossy fiber LTP两类。前一类由突触后NMDA受体激活,导致钙离子内流,钙浓度升高而引发,后一类则是蛋白激酶A活动引起突触前膜内钙离子浓度升高。结果神经递质释放增强,最终引起LTP。本文概述了脑片技术对LTP研究的贡献,LTP发生与维持的相关因素,以及最新LTP研究的有趣发现。下期继续LTP话题,我们将介绍最近与LTP相关的BDNF(脑组织神经生长因子)及基因遗传学研究。 Long - term potentiation of synaptic activity is the most popular and widely researched model of synaptic plastic changes because it is believed underling learning and memory. Calcium influx mediated by NMDA receptor activation is responsible for the induction of NMDA receptor dependent LTP, whereas protein kinase A mediated calcium concentration increase in presynaptic site induced NMDA receptor independent LTP or mossy fiber LTP. Here we also summarized the current concept on brain slice as a preparation of LTP study, recent research of protein and protein kinase activity involved in LTP expression, and some other interesting findings contributed to LTP. In part two on the next issue, we will focus on BDNF and LTP, several activity ~ dependent genes which related to LTP and learning and memory, and introduce some interesting LTP related work.
出处 《神经疾病与精神卫生》 2002年第3期179-182,共4页 Journal of Neuroscience and Mental Health
关键词 长时程动作电位增强 钙离子 脑切片 N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸受体 学习 记忆 LTP (long- term potentiation) Brain slice Calcium NMDA receptor S100 prootein
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