目的 探讨自体角膜缘结膜移植治疗翼状胬肉的临床疗效。方法 对 112例 118眼翼状胬肉患者 ,采用显微手术切除局部病变组织联合自体带角膜缘的结膜移植术治疗 ,并予定期随访、裂隙灯检查、照相。结果 110眼术后角膜缘结构恢复 ,角膜上皮光滑 ,鼻侧球结膜平伏 ;6眼术区角膜缘有轻微血管翳生长 ;仅 1眼复发 ;1眼出现类似角膜缘缺陷症的表现。结论 该方法操作较简单 ,对恢复角膜缘的自然解剖结构、降低术后复发率很有帮助 ,值得推广。
Objective To evaluate the potential efficacy of conjunctival-limbal autografts for pterygium. Methods One hundred and twelve pterygium patients (118 eyes) were treated by pterygia excision with conjunctival-limbal autografting, at the period, the effects were observed with slit lamp microscope and photo was taken. Results The corneal limbal of 110 eyes recovered and the epithelium were smooth. There was less corneal pannus in 6 eyes and only one recurred. There were complications as limbal deficiency in one eye.Conclusion The method was simple and useful to reco ver the corneal limbal and decrease the recurrence rate.
Suzhou University Journal of Medical Science