
特异性PCR法检测胰腺癌p16基因甲基化改变 被引量:3

Detection of aberrant p16 methylation in pancreatic cancer by MSP and its clinical significance
摘要 目的 探讨胰腺癌p16基因启动子区5’CpG岛甲基化改变的特点及其与临床病理特征的关系。方法 应用甲基化特异性PCR法进行甲基化检测。结果 14/36例胰腺癌标本的p16基因启动子区5’CpG岛检测到甲基化,甲基化频率为38.9%,5例癌旁组织、1例正常胰腺组织、7例慢性胰腺炎及2例胰腺粘液性囊腺瘤未发现相应区域的甲基化。结论 p16基因启动子区5’CpG岛甲基化是胰腺癌p16基因失活的机制之一,是胰腺癌细胞区别与正常细胞的分子事件。检测p16基因甲基化可能有助于胰腺癌的诊断及鉴别诊断。 Objective To detect aberrant methylation status of the 5'CpG island locating in the promoter area of pl6 in pancreatic cancer, the relationship between the aberrant methylation of p16 and clinical manifestation was analyzed. Methods Target DNA was modified by bisulfit, and p16 fragment was amplified with primers specific for methylated and unmethylated DNA. Results Aberrant methylation of 5'CpG island locating in the promoter area of pl6 was detected in 14/36 cases of pancreatic cancer, and no aberrant methylated p16 sequences were detected in tissue adjacent to cancer (5 cases), normal pancreatic tissue (1 case), pancreatitis (7 cases) and pancreatic mucinous cystoadenocarcinima (2 cases). Conclusions Methylation of pl6 gene promoter 5'CpG island can induce inactivation of pl6 gene and the methylation can be detected in pancreatic cancer. Detection of aberrant p16 methylation may be helpful to the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer.
出处 《胰腺病学》 2002年第2期82-84,共3页 Chinese JOurnal of Pancreatology
关键词 特异性PCR法 胰腺癌 P16基因 甲基化 分子生物 临床意义 Pancreatic cancer p16 gene Methylation Methylation-specifitic PCR
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