
慢性酒精中毒性周围神经病(附26例临床分析) 被引量:23

Chronic alcoholism peripheral neuropathy:clinical analysis of 26 patients
摘要 目的 探讨慢性酒精中毒性周围神经病的临床特点。方法 对 2 6例住院确诊的慢性酒精中毒性周围神经病患者的临床及电生理改变进行分析。结果 全部患者均有 5~ 40年大量饮酒史 (平均每日 5 .2两 )。感觉神经受累较运动神经受累重 ,双下肢受累较双上肢重 ,深感觉障碍较常见。肌电图呈现 MCV、SCV减慢或消失。结论  EMG可作为该病的早期诊断依据 ,戒酒并辅以维生素 B族治疗有效。 Objective To explore the clinical character of chronic alcoholism peripheral neuropathy(CAPN). Methods The clinical electrophysiological features of 26 cases with CAPN admitted in hospital were analysed. Results All of the cases had a drinking history ranging from 5~40 years,with a quantity of 150 to 600 grams of spirits per day. The sensory nerve fibers were involved more severely than motor nerve fibers;the functional disturbances in the lower limbs were pronounced than those in the upper limbs and changes of vibratory sensory were more preferential. Electromyography (EMG) showed the motion nerve conduction velocity (MCV) and sensory nerve conduction velocity (SCV) were all slow or undectable. Conclusion EMG findings are reliable as a basis for CAPN early diagnosis. Complete abstinence from alcohol and giving vitamin Bs is in force.
出处 《中风与神经疾病杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第3期173-174,共2页 Journal of Apoplexy and Nervous Diseases
关键词 慢性酒精中毒 周围神经病 临床特点 肌电图 诊断 Alcoholism Peripheral neuropathy
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