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1Bartholomew MM, Jansen P.W, Jeffers LJ, et al.Hepattis-B-virus resistance to lamivudine given for recurrent infection after orthotopic liver transplantation [J] . Lancet, 1997, 349 (9044): 20.
2Allen MI, Deslauriers M, Andrews CW, et al.Identification and characterization of mutations in hepatitis B virus resistant to lamivudine [J]Hepatology, 1998, 27 (6): 1670.
3Ladner SK, Miller TJ, King RW. The M539V polymerase variant of human hepatitis B virus demonstrates resistance to 2'-deoxy-3'-thiacytidine and a reduced ability to synthesize viral DNA [J]Anfimicrob Agents Chemother, 1998,42 (8): 2128.
4Melegari M, Scaglioni PP, Wands JR. Hepatitis B virus mutants associated with 3TC and famciclovir administration are replication defective [J] .Hepatology, 1998, 27 (2): 628.