
中国耐用消费品行业顾客抱怨行为研究 被引量:33

Determinants of Consumer Complaint Behavior: The Case of Durable Goods in China
摘要 管理顾客的不满意状况及其后续影响 ,尤其是管理顾客抱怨行为 ,已经成为企业执行市场渗透战略的关键因素。但是 ,在中国 ,关于顾客抱怨行为的实证研究还非常缺乏。通过在 5个耐用消费品行业 930 4份问卷的分析 ,文章研究了中国顾客抱怨行为的一般特点、顾客特征对顾客抱怨行为的影响、产品特征对顾客抱怨行为的影响和顾客抱怨与顾客忠诚度的关系 ,并为企业管理顾客抱怨行为提出了实施性建议。 Understanding consumer dissatisfaction and its outcomes, a focus of consumer complaint behavior (CCB) research, has become a critical factor for business firms pursuing market penetration strategies where selling more to existing customers oftentimes the key to profitability. However, there is few CCB research in China to date. Based on a sample of 9304 in 5 durable good industries, the study attempts to find the descriptive character of CCB and the impact of consumer characteristics and product attributes on CCB. The relationship between CCB and consumer loyalty is also identified.
作者 赵平 莫亚琳
出处 《清华大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第2期32-38,共7页 Journal of Tsinghua University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 国家软科学基金研究项目 (2 0 0 0 12 )
关键词 消费者行为 顾客抱怨行为 顾客关系管理 耐用消费品行业 consumer behavior consumer complaint behavior customer relationship management durable goods
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