基于模糊控制理论 ,以复杂系统为被控对象提出了一种新型的分层模糊控制器。论述了其分层原理及设计法 ,并将其运用于锅炉给水控制系统中进行仿真。由仿真结果可知分层模糊控制器具有快速性及很强的鲁棒性 ,能够减少设计计算的工作量。图 6表
Based on the theory of fuzzy control, a new type of multilevelled fuzzy controller is being suggested for the control of complex systems. The principle of multilevelling and the way of designing is being discussed and applied to boiler feed water control systems for simulation. Simulation results obviously show that multilevelled controller are marked by swiftness and strong robustness sparing much necessary calculation work in design. Figs 6 and tables 5
Power Equipment