根据现代高技术条件下局部战争高效率、快节奏等特点 ,我军通用电源车必需移动快速、轻便、输出电源质量高 ,而且运行成本低。针对这些需要 ,电源车和特种用途车合而为一并采用新型的动力系统可以在很大程度上降低制造成本和运行成本 ,并使汽车的移动更为迅速。采用新型的柴油发动机 ,高质量的发电机以及运用先进的控制技术 ,电子控制单元和高性能执行器 ,可以将汽车的行车和发电分为两个独立的工况并实现高精度控制。通过发动机台架试验验证 ,汽车停车发电的电能质量完全可以达到国家Ⅲ类电站的标准要求 ,为我军装备的现代化改造提出了宝贵的参考方案。
According to such characters as high efficiency and speediness of modern high tech war,the movable power station of our army must be move quickly and portably and can generate high electric energy quality and their running cost must be low. Aimed at these needs,the combination of movable power station and special type vehicles and using new style power system can remarkably reduce produce cost and running cost and these new vehicles can move swift. Adopted new diesel engine,high quality generator, advanced control technology, electronic control unit and high powered executor,the running state and parking state (generate electricity state) of these vehicles can be independently and can be controlled accurately. Verified by diesel engine bench test, the quality of electric energy generated at parking state can satisfactorily meet to degree Ⅲ power station of national standard. This result brings forward a reference modern reformative method for equipment of our army.
Movable Power Station & Vehicle