OBJECTIVE: study the nystatin prophylactic effect of fungal peritonitis when antibiotic treatment be used during continuous ambulatory peritontal dialysis (CAPD) bacterial peritonitis. METHODS:We studied two groups of CAPD peritonitis patients that nystatin500000u tid was used or prophylaxis was not used during the bacterial peritonitis (BP) from Jun. 1995 to Nov. 2000. There were 535 episodes of BP and 37 episodes of fungal peritonitis (FP) in the corresponding time in nystatin prophylaxis group (source of the patients from Tung Wan hospital). Among 37 episodes of FP 13 episodes were primary, 21 episodes were secondary to BP, 3 episodes were recovery FP. In non-prophylaxis group there was 58 episodes of BP and 7 episodes of FP in the corresponding time (source of the patients from our hospital). Among 7 episodes of FP 1 episodes was primary, 6 episodes were secondary to BP. In non-prophylaxis group there were total 16/89 cases of CAPD patients with DM and there were 4/7 episodes FP patients with DM. RESULTS:Thsre was no difference between the two groups of BP morbidity (P>0.05 )and FP morbidity P>0.05. But morbidity of FP secondary to BP was higher in non-prophylaxis group than prophylaxis group. The morbidity of FP was higher in DM group than in non-DM group. CONCLUSION:Nystatin had a good prophylactic effect on CAPD fungal peritonitis when antibiotic treatment were used during of CAPD bacterial peritonitis. DM was ahazard factor of the incidence of FP, So nystatin should be used especially among them.
The Chinese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology