目的 :通过自然组织谐波成像新技术评价老年人心肌组织结构在不同切面 ,不同深度与基波显像之差别及其在临床应用中的价值。方法 :在增益、抑制、TGC和LGC相同的情况下 ,从 10 0名老年人中选出 6 3名 ,因肥胖、胸廓畸形、肺气过多、肋间隙狭窄及老龄透声差等因素致常规基波二维图像显示欠清晰的心脏病患者进行显像定性分析。结果 :参加定性分析人群中所有患者均获得比基波满意的自然组织谐波图像。主要表现在心肌、心内膜、房间隔和心瓣膜亮度增强 ,提高了对心内膜轮廓及小病灶的分辨率。结论 :同传统的基波成像技术相比 ,自然组织谐波成像新技术能获取更有价值的诊断信息 。
Objective: To evaluate the difference between harmonic imaging of natural tissue and fundamental imaging in cardiac structure of aged at different section and depth and its clinical significance. Method: Harmonic imaging analyses were conducted in 63 cases of old myocardial patients whose normal fundamental imaging was not clear. Results: The harmonic imaging was successfully obtained in all patients. The echodensities of endocardium, myocardium and cardiac valves were enhanced after the harmonic imaging. Especially in the endocardinal outline and small leisons in harmonic imaging was clearer than that of fundamental imaging. Conclusion: Compared with traditional funudamental imaging,harmonic imaging can obtain more valuable diagnostic information,and now is a nontraumatic effective method for the detection of cardial leisons in old patients.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Medicine