目的 :观察氧氟沙星壳聚糖膜剂 (OC膜剂 )治疗女性生殖道沙眼衣原体 (Ct)、解脲支原体 (Uu)感染的疗效。方法 :门诊治疗 144例患者 ,试验组 (A组 ) 5 0例OC膜剂阴道给药 ,并口服阿奇霉素 ;对照组 1(B组 ) 4 6例红霉素片阴道用药 ,口服药同A组 ;对照组 2 (C组 ) 4 8例 ,仅口服阿奇霉素。 10d为一疗程 ,共二疗程。结果 :二疗程后 ,A组、B组和C组Ct和 /或Uu的转阴率分别为 90 .0 %、73.90 %和 5 0 .0 %。结论 :氧氟沙星壳聚糖膜剂治疗Ct、Uu感染 ,疗效可靠 ,使用方便、经济实用。
OBJECTIVE:To investigate the efficacy of Ofloxacin Chitosan film (OC film) in the treatment of female genital duct Uu and /or Ct infection. METHODS:The test group A of 50 cases were given OC films in genital duct and Azithromycin Granules in oral administration. The control group B of 46 cases were treated with Erythromycin tablets in genital duct and Azithromycin in oral administration. The control group C of 48 cases were only given Azithromycin. The duration on treatment was 20 days in all groups.RESULTS:After 20 days treatment, the cure rate for group A, B, C were 90.0%, 73.90% and 50.0% respectively.CONCLUSION:OC filims are safe, effective and economal formulations in treating the infection of Uu and /or Ct.
Chinese Journal of Modern Applied Pharmacy
广西壮族自治区教育厅科研项目 (桂教科研 1998-16 9-1)经费资助