文章根据 WHO门诊用药的有关指标对我国云南省龙陵县两个合作医疗试点乡和一个对照乡有关指标进行了描述性分析和比较性研究。结果表明 :农村不合理用药现象广泛存在 ,滥用注射、静脉注射以及抗生素激素现象严重 ,实行合作医疗后这一现象有所加重 ,而这些问题解决的关键在于要制定科学的诊疗规范 ,加强医生卫生服务行为的监督管理 ,加强对病人的宣教工作 。
Yunnan province Longling country is a trial country of CMS in China .The research analyses the drug use indicators advised by WHO. It compares drug use before CMS to after CMS. It shows that misuse of antibiotic ,overuse of injection and vein injection are serious. It becomes more serious after CMS. Irrational drug use is common and hormone misuse is particully serious. We should set up perfect medical regulation ,supervise the medical action of doctors,make more propagation for the patients.
Chinese Rural Health Service Administration