20世纪 90年代在美国兴起了一种以密歇根大学教授R .英格莱哈特为主要代表的新的研究价值观的理论范式 ,即“后现代化理论”范式。这一新的研究青年价值观的理论范式认为 ,发达国家青年的价值观已经并将继续发生根本性变化 ,即从现代价值观转向后现代价值观 ;这种后现代价值观不再强调实现经济增长的最大化、成就动机、法理权威 ,而是强调实现个体幸福的最大化、自由选择等 ;这种价值结构的转型 ,最主要的社会经济根源是经济发展对人类的边际回报已经递减 ;直接引起这种文化价值变迁的原因是西方发达国家在战后出现了前所未有的繁荣和安全。研究发达国家青年价值结构的转型及其社会经济根源 ,对于我们正确地预测和对待中国青年的价值变迁 ,以及开展与此相关的工作等 。
In 1990s the paradigm of 'postmodern theory', represented by R. Inglehart, a professor of Michigan State University, came out in America. The main argument illustrated in this paradigm is the conclusion that the youth's values in some developed countries have changed in a radical way and will further change afterwards. In other words, the values have changed from the modern type to the post-modern. As a substitute for maximum economic growth, achievement motive, and legal authority, the post-modern values emphasized maximum individual happiness, free choice, and so on. The main reason for this structural transformation of values is due to the unprecedented prosperity and security the youth has enjoyed since the Second World War. A study of the structural transformation of the youth's values in some developed countries will bring light on the work of accurately predicting the transition of Chinese youth's values and taking some countermeasures against this situation.
Journal of China Youth College for Political Sciences