行刑权配置应与预防犯罪的实际需要相适应 ,同行刑权运作规律相协调 ,并遵循公正与效益的法则予以科学配置。多元分散的行刑权配置模式不符合科学配置的精神 ,存有诸多弊端 ,应改变行刑权配置现状 ,采取有针对性的法律措施 。
The distribution of power to execution of punishment should accommod ate itself to the pratical requirement of crime prevention and the operation of power to execution of punishment, and be scientifically distributed abiding by the law of justice and efficiency. The multiple and decentralizing distribution of power to execution of punishment is not scientific and has many disadvantage s. therefore the present condition should be changed, and the proper legal measu res should be taken to direct it to the integral development.
Journal of Huainan Normal University