

Test Generation Based on Behavioral Model at RT-Level and Delay Testing
摘要 寄存器传输级(RTL)测试产生及时延测试是当今集成电路(IC)测试技术中亟待解决的问题和研究的热点.首先从IC逻辑测试的测试产生和IC时延测试方法这两个方面系统地综述了测试产生和时延测试领域迄今为止的主要研究成果.在RTL行为描述的测试产生方面,提出了新的RTL行为模型的描述方法:行为阶段聚类描述,并提出了基于聚类的测试产生技术.将这些技术集成到RTL级ATPG系统ATCLUB中,在提高测试产生效率及缩短测试长度方面效果显著.在IC时延测试方面,提出了一种新的可变双观测点的时延测试方法。基于该方法提出了新的时延故障诊断方法,实现和完善了可变双观测点的时延测试系统DTwDO.DTwDO提供了从时延测试到故障诊断等一系列测试工具,有效减少了测试通路数,提高了故障覆盖率,并有很高的故障定位成功率. The growing complexity of modern ICs is driving the trend of automatic test pattern generation (ATPG) towards testing at high level, particularly at register transfer level (RTL). At the same time, it is also more critical to perform delay testing to ensure correct temporal behavior of fast digital systems than before. This dissertation first surveys the recent development of test generation and delay testing techniques. Then, a new level of description on RTL behavioral model, termed behavioral phase clustering description, is introduced. Techniques of test generation based on behavioral phase clustering descriptions are proposed, and applied to an RTL ATPG system called ATCLUB. Experimental results show that ATCLUB reduces CPU time and test length significantly compared with other ATPG systems. This dissertation also introduces a novel method of delay testing with variable double observations. And a new approach to delay fault diagnosis based on the method is proposed. These techniques are adopted in DTwDO, a delay testing system based on variable double observations, including a ATPG tool and a fault diagnosis tool. Experimental results demonstrate a significant reduction of the number of paths to be selected to guarantee a complete delay testing, and a high rate of successful fault location.
出处 《中国科学院研究生院学报》 CAS CSCD 2002年第2期198-201,共4页 Journal of the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
关键词 RTL行为模型 测试产生 时延测试 寄存器传输级 有限状态机 自动测试向量产生 故障诊断 集成电路测试 register transfer level (RTL), finite state machine (FSM), automatic test pattern generation (ATPG), delay testing, fault diagnosis
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