公路建设中造成的水土流失越来越严重 ,流失范围呈线状 ,常常跨越多个流域和地貌类型 ,影响范围广泛 .且在公路不同部位水土流失的程度不同 ,影响期限也不同 .在实际调查的基础上 ,以国道 1 1 2线丰宁段为例 ,分析公路建设中水土流失的原因 ,并提出计算方法及一般性防护措施 .
Soil erosion became more and more serious in the development and construction processing of highway.It is limited in a linearn pattern.Because hihgway construction stride across multiplebasins and various tupes of landforms,the influence rang of soil erosion is extensive and the affected time is different in different part of soil.The article takes the National Road No.112 as an example,the causes of soil erosion,the way of calculation and the general protection measures in highway construction are presented on the basis of investigation data.
Journal of Hebei Normal University:Natural Science