阐述了一种包括三种放能机制在内的磁化黑洞吸积盘的统一模型 .在广义相对论框架中导出满足Maxwell方程的磁耦合映射关系 ,在黑洞基本演化方程的基础上得出描述黑洞演化状态的特征函数 ,分析了黑洞自转参量演化的平衡点及特征 .讨论了统一模型的各参量对磁化黑洞吸积盘放能效率的影响 .计算表明 ,在黑洞视界面磁压满足冲压平衡条件下 ,黑洞吸积盘的最大放能效率可达 44 .5 %.
A unified model of black hole (BH) surrounded by magnetized accretion disc including three three mechanisms of extracting energy is presented, and a relation of mapping of magnetic coupling satisfying Maxwell's equations is derived in the frame of general relativity. The characteristics functions describing the evolving state of the BH are given based on the basic evolution equations, by which the equilibrium spin of the BH and the corresponding efficiency of extracting energy are discussed by considering the effects of the related parameters of the unified model. It is shown that the maximal efficiency of extracting energy of the magnetized accretion disc attains 44.5% under the requirement of the BH magnetic pressure being balanced by the ram pressure of the innermost parts of an accretion flow.
Journal of Hubei Minzu University(Natural Science Edition)
国家自然科学基金资助课题 ( 10 1730 0 4)