网络的出现和广泛运用 ,以及企业间的牵手跨越了行业间的藩篱 ,推动了业际化的进程 ;业际化与网络相结合促使企业组织形式发生质变 ,出现了虚拟企业。与大工业时代的企业相比较 ,虚拟企业具有了全新的特征、类型、经营形式和生产模式 ,其经济效益提升到一个新的平台。
The emergence and the extensive application of the network accelerate the process of the industrial synthesis together with the co-operations between the enterprises. The combination of the industrial synthesis and the network promotes the essential changes of the enterprise forms and the virtual enterprises appear. As compared with the enterprises in the era of the great industry they possess brand-new features, varieties, operation forms and production styles and increase the economic benefit to a new level.
Journal of Chengdu University of Information Technology