

The Rules and Principles of Objective News Writing
摘要 有许多原则严格限制西方报章记者的表达自由。这些原则禁止记者在报道新闻时加上自己的评论、判断、解释或推论 ,以确保新闻的客观性、可靠性和公正性。客观的新闻工作者懂得新闻的概念 ,遵循严格的中立原则 ,避免经济、宗教、政治或民族偏见。尽管如此 ,报章的编辑、经营管理者和老板却能左右新闻。他们可以决定是否发表 ,发表多少以及在哪儿发表某条新闻。这一情形及其他因素对新闻的客观性构成威胁。 Rules strictly limit a Western newspaper reporter's freedom of expression. These rules strive to assure objectivity, reliability, and fairness by prohibiting reporters from commenting, judging, explicating significance, or drawing conclusions in reporting the news. As objective journalists reporters conform to concepts of what news is, following the strictly neutral rules of their craft, avoiding economic, religious, political, or ethnic biases. Despite these rules, editors, business managers, and owners can shape the news by deciding whether or not to print, how much to print, and where to print it. This and other factors threaten the practice of objective journalism.
出处 《成都信息工程学院学报》 2002年第1期64-72,共9页 Journal of Chengdu University of Information Technology
关键词 新闻写作 客观性 新闻价值 新闻原则 信息技术 新闻报道 中立原则 objectivity newsworthiness rules of journalism information technology
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  • 2[2]Lauren Kern. Bargain Basement Justice. Houston (Tx) Press On-Line Archive, June 21, 2001.
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