经多种农药、剂量、防治方法的反复比较 ,筛选出树干涂刷、注干、喷雾、喷烟等多种较理想的麻点豹天牛防治方法和措施 :应用 5 %氯氰菊酯乳油、2 5 %保得乳油分别与柴油 1∶1 5 0倍混合药剂进行树干涂刷 ,麻点豹天牛卵及幼龄幼虫防治死亡率达 80 %以上 ,最佳防治时期为产卵期及幼虫孵化期 ;应用 5 %氯氰菊酯、2 5 %保得乳油分别与柴油 1∶75倍混合药剂喷烟防治成虫 ,死亡率达 85 %以上 ,最佳防治时期为 9月上旬至 1 1月中旬 ;
Four chemical methods have good control effects to Coscinesthes salicis .Besmearing the trunk with the mixture,5% Cypepmethpin oil emulsion or 2.5% Bera-cyfluthrin oil emusion and diesel oil in the proportion of 1∶50,may kill more than 80% of the eggs and newly hatched larvae.Using the mixture of 5% Cypepmethpin or 2.5% Bera-cyfluthrin oil emusion and diesel oil as smoke emission to control the adults,may kill 85% of the adults.The best time for this method is from early September to middle November.In addition,injecting chemicals to the trunk is an effective control method to all instar larvae.
Journal of Southwest Forestry College