为选育高产、优质、直链淀粉含量中等的杂交稻组合 ,用 2 3个非糯水稻纯系品种 (系 )及其所配 2 2个组合的F1代 ,研究了微卫星标记 484/ 485的PCR扩增产物 (CT) n 多态性 ,484/W 2R的PCR扩增产物被AccⅠ酶切多态性 ,二者与直链淀粉含量的相关性 ,亲本与F1直链淀粉含量的相关性 .结果表明 ,供试纯系材料有 3种多态片段 ,即 (CT) 11,(CT) 18和 (CT) 2 0 ,其中 (CT) 11或 (CT) 18的品种数多 ;484/W2R扩增产物能或不能被AccⅠ酶切的品种数比较接近 ;484/ 485扩增产物 (CT) n 多态性和 484/W2R扩增产物被AccⅠ酶切的多态性与直链淀粉含量极显著相关 ;杂种F1直链淀粉含量与双亲平均值极显著正相关 ;直链淀粉含量偏高的籼稻品种与直链淀粉含量偏低的粳稻品种杂交 ,杂种F1直链淀粉含量中等的组合数多 .
The polymorphism of (CT)_ n of PCR (polymerase chain reaction) products amplified by microsatellite marker 484/485, the polymorphism of PCR products amplified by microsatellite marker 484/W2R and digested by AccⅠ, the relationship between them and amylose contents (AC), the relationship between hybrid F_1 AC and parent average AC were explored by means of 23 non-glutinous pedigree varieties(lines)and 22 hybrids F_1 crossed by them. The results are as follows: three Wx microsatellite alleles, namely (CT)_ 11 ,(CT)_ 18 and (CT)_ 20 were identified by 484/485 in the pedigree,of which (CT)_ 11 or (CT)_ 18 have more varieties. The number of varieties(lines) with the PCR products digested by AccⅠor not is close to each other. The polymorphism of (CT)_ n of PCR products amplified by 484/485 and the polymorphism of the PCR products amplified by 484/W2R and digested by AccⅠ is correlated to AC at very significant level. AC of hybrid F_1 is correlated to average AC of parents at very significant level. When indica varieties with higher AC are crossed to japonica varieties with lower AC, there are many crosses with intermediate AC in hybrid F_1.
Journal of Hunan Agricultural University(Natural Sciences)
佛山科学技术学院博士基金 (2 0 0 0 0 3)