建国初期的中国社会性质是新民主主义社会而非社会主义社会。新民主主义社会是中国历史发展的产物 ,也是中国共产党根据中国国情所作出的正确选择。新民主主义社会有两个基本特征即必然性和过渡性 ,它既有社会主义成分 ,也有资本主义成分 ,是一种特殊的历史形态。 195 6年 ,三大改造基本完成 ,中国进入社会主义社会 。
The social property of the primary stage of new China is not socialism, but new democracy. It is the product of development of Chinese history. According to Chinese actual situation, the Communist Party of China makes the correct choice. The new Democratic society′s main features are nesessity and transttion. This special historical state has the distingushing characteristics of socialism as well as capitalism. For the accomplishment of the three great transformations in 1956, China made its way into the socialist society, so the termination of the new democratic society was advanced in date.
Journal of Yan'an University (Social Sciences Edition)