影响裂缝孔隙度的主要因素是双侧向测井响应以及基质电阻率的准确性。如果混淆基质电阻率与基岩电阻率的概念 ,并赋予一个固定的基岩电阻率值 ,就会影响裂缝孔隙度的求取精度。在大量常规岩石物性、压汞、测井等资料的基础上 ,从基本原理出发 ,对基质电阻率的求取方法进行了论证。
Accurate acquisition of fracture porosity is most important in fractured tight limestone reservoir. The main factors affecting fracture porosity are dual-lateral resistivity and accuracy of matrix resistivity. If matrix resistivity and basement rock resistivity are confused and a fixed value is given to basement rock resistivity, the fracture porosity will not be precise. On the basis of lots of data of conventional petrophysical properties, mercury injection and log data, we proposed a method to acquire matrix resistivity. With this method, satisfactory result has been obtained in assessment of reservoir in Qianmiqiao buried hill.
Well Logging Technology