MDT(模块式地层动态测试器 )测井技术在识别油气水层、判断油水界面和采集地层流体样品等方面有相当明显的优势 ,但MDT是定点测量 ,受测试时间、电缆吸附粘卡等因素影响 ;仪器组合后在井内移动中容易遇阻遇卡 ;井内塑料小球和高粘泥浆会堵塞管线和探针。这些因素都造成MDT技术应用的风险性。根据两年多的测井作业 ,总结出作业施工前的准备工作 ,注重测井、钻井及现场操作和监督的协调 ;测井实施过程中明确由测井监督牵头的甲乙方的钻井、测井、录井等相关作业单位的责任 ,针对不同的作业现场采取不同的技术措施。列举了对高 310 4-1井作业深层遇卡的重新认识 ;南 38-12井、北 2 6-6井等大井斜、大狗腿度井电缆吸附粘卡的解决 ;其它数口井中对于小塑料球的使用、泥浆比重的调整、地层流体流速对泵的阀门和密封圈的刨蚀和磨损等测井施工体会。对类似项目的施工行之有效 。
MDT (Module Dynamic Tester) has a good advantage in oil-gas-water identification, oil-water contact determination and acquisition of formation fluid samples, etc.. Yet, it is apt to be influenced by testing time, cable adhering and sticking because of its fixed point measurements besides being easily stuck and blocked whicle moving in boreholes. When there exist many small plastic balls and viscous mud in the measured intervals, MDT's pipeline (e.g. cable) and detecting head will be plugged up. All the above factors will risk MDT logging. Through tow years of log operations, we have known well how to make pre-logging preparations, coordinate logging company, drilling team and log supervisors, as well as take technologic measures in logging sites. Again, we have realized the cable sticking or kinking in deep well-Gao 3104-1, and solved the cable adhering and sticking in such high angle and dogleg angle wells as Nan 38-21, Bei 26-6, etc.. We have also solved other problems like mud adjustments, no-adding of plastic balls, glacial erosion and wear-and-tear of valves and sealed-rings caused by high speed fluids.
Well Logging Technology